The lower modules have drawers with built-in handles. The hood is concealed behind the upper cabinets. We chose not to extend the upper cabinets above the kitchen sink to simplify the kitchen layout.
Этот кухонный гарнитур мы спроектировали и сделали для небольшой кухни-гостиной в бежевом интерьере.
Застройщик выделил для кухни небольшую нишу. Чтобы сэкономить полезную площадь, мы не стали возводить перегородку между прихожей и кухней, а разделили их шкафом. Со стороны входной двери — распашные фасады, со стороны кухни — декоративные панели.
The lower modules have drawers with built-in handles. The hood is concealed behind the upper cabinets. We chose not to extend the upper cabinets above the kitchen sink to simplify the kitchen layout.
For the same purpose, the column cabinets were not brought up to the ceiling. The apron features large-format porcelain tiles; we installed it to be flush with the wall and extended it slightly beyond the edge of the column cabinets to visually connect the kitchen and living room areas.
A450 kitchen is part of our big work on the production of the entire interior of the apartment. At the end of the repair, we shot a video where we showed how this kitchen is arranged. Additional photos, layouts, and the estimate of this interior can be found on the project page.