Questionnaire for supplier of goods and services

We have suppliers for all groups of goods and services, but continuously seeking new offers. If you have a unique product, service, or conditions, we will pay attention to this and would be delighted to give it a try.

After filling out the form, your contacts will remain in our database, and we will contact you upon decision. 

What is the name of your company?
Provide the address of the company website.
What is the company's field of work?
Choose one or a few options
Your option
В каких городах вы работаете?
Choose one or a few options
Your option
Write the addresses of showrooms in Moscow and Yekaterinburg where the widest range of products presented and their opening hours.

If there are no showrooms, put "-"

What products does your company produce or sell? What services do you provide?
What discounts from retail prices can you give us?

Indicate product groups and possible discounts.

Can you store goods in your warehouse for 3-4 months after payment?
Why should we choose to work with you?
And the most important: leave your contacts
Name and Surname
Phone number
Thank you for filling out the questionnaire. The information came to our database of suppliers. As soon as we need your goods or services, we’ll contact you at the aforementioned contacts.